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September 22, 2010


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the presence of complete, accurate and rapidly accessible patient records should be a boon to both patients and practitioners. However, major providers of personal health records services are moving in this direction.

hair loss treatment

hm, interesting, i'd look into this as well...

Lance Bollinger

• Last week I commented on an article, here, http://histalk2.com/2011/09/14/readers-write-91411/,
which was about interoperability. I stumbled across it and I am NOT a
health IT expert, so please forgive me if I don’t know all of your

I looked to see if I had a response to my questions, this was about
Epic systems, and I see no answer.

Forgetting about the particular
company, Epic, what really concerns me is that there doesn’t seem to be
any agreement in your field about whether interoperability is even

I researched Epic and there is some talk about the CEO of that firm
(forget name) being on a government board that is supposed to implement
interoperability, although some say this person’s company doesn’t
believe in it.

What I want to know is, will my doctor be able to share records with
my surgeon if the two don’t use the same system of platform from the
same provider?

Is Epic actually the norm, in other words, that none of
these systems can communicate with one another, and if so, then why is a
government board trying to make this happen?
I don’t care about all the politics, which the article I referenced
seems to be all about, but I DO care about whether or not my records
would be safe and whether or not they can be shared with the people I
WANT sharing them.

Can anyone help me?


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